Chiropractic Manipulation


Have you been experiencing chronic back pain? And have your other methods of treatment not yielding any improvements in your overall wellness? A chiropractic manipulation with us might be just what you need to get back to feeling better. Here’s what to know about chiropractic manipulation for integrative medicine.

What is Chiropractic Manipulation?

Also known as spinal manipulation, chiropractic manipulation is a form of integrative medicine that uses hands-on adjustment of the spine to improve mobility and relieve pain in the back and neck. Chiropractic manipulations are performed by specially trained providers known as chiropractors, who use quick, strong pressured-moves to adjust joints along the spine.

Along with spinal manipulations, chiropractors can also use other forms of treatment, such as gentle exercises and ergonomic training to improve functioning and help the body heal itself naturally. As a drug-free and non-invasive practice, chiropractic manipulation is often recommended alongside other mind-body treatments like acupuncture, massage therapy, and yoga to help enhance your overall well-being.

What Are the Benefits of Chiropractic Manipulation?

Chiropractic manipulations are narcotic-free practices that are non-invasive in nature, allowing patients to return to regular activities right after treatment. Most patients undergoing regular chiropractic sessions report:

  • Decrease in pain
  • Enhanced levels of mobility
  • Less need for pain medications
  • Improvement in pain caused due to sciatica
  • Relief from chronic migraines

What to Expect During a Chiropractic Manipulation Session

If you’ve never had a chiropractic manipulation before, you might be wondering what to expect during your first session. A trained chiropractor at Chris Strickland will begin by asking you a comprehensive set of questions to determine your current health status, including any symptoms of pain you may currently be experiencing. From there, a physical exam will take place to evaluate your spine, neck, and shoulders. An X-ray and other tests may also be conducted, depending on the severity of your symptoms.

During the actual chiropractic session, which lasts between 30 to 60 minutes, you’ll lay down on a padded treatment table, and your chiropractor will use quick, pressurized-hand movements to adjust your spine. Your chiropractor may also massage certain muscles around your spine to loosen them up and improve your range of motion. While some patients report feeling relief after just one session, most will require multiple visits along the course of several weeks to maintain overall levels of wellness.

For more information about chiropractic manipulation, contact Chris Strickland at (706) 769-9779.

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